Thursday, April 29, 2010

I just had to post, even though I'm supposed to be working. I was blog surfing yesterday and came across this: I've been glued to this site ever since. I know our God is amazing, awesome, the great healer, our friend, our comforter,...choose an adjective! But I have watched a scene play out that has blown me away. Follow this blog for the day. Witness the miracles.

On a lighter note, our sweet daughter has truely struggled since we went away for an anneversary weekend. She has clung to me like velcro and rejected everyone else around. She has cried. She has screamed. She has clung breathlessly to me. We thought, here we go, it's been 7 months and now here comes the issues. Jeff picked her up from preschool and "talked" to her about how much we loved her and how much he loved being her daddy. He told me, I think she really understood. That night I told her too. How much she means to us, how she completed our family, how our family was forever. She told me "I loves you mommy". I left crying knowing she understood. Since that night she is sleeping, she is playing, she is seperating, she is going to Jeff and to her brothers. Our sweet girl is back. I know there will be many issues. I know that we have been completely God covered to have had no more issues than we have. Our little miracle continues to be that Emma loves us and we love her. How did God do it! How did he take people from the other sides of each others worlds and make them a family! Our God is great.

1 comment:

  1. We have been praying for Chrissie too! I just love blogging, and the first things I do when I get on the computer in the morning is check all my blogger friends updates!

    Emma sure is beautiful! Isn't it amazing how fast their hair grows?

    I am sooo ready to go back to CHina again!
